Pub and Brewery News - March 2017

Wednesday 1 March 2017

The following pub and brewery news was reported at the branch meeting on Wednesday 1st March 2017.

The CAMRA Discount Scheme enables pubs to promote their business to our members easily, and to hopefully encourage more trade. The discount given will be advertised free of charge in our branch magazine, Drake’s Drinker, as well as on this website CAMRA Discount Scheme and the National CAMRA website. We can also provide posters to advertise the offer to visitors. If you are the licensee of a pub and are interested of taking part in this scheme, please contact our Pubs Campaigns Coordinator, Andy Richardson, at ku.gro.armac.htuomylp@swenbup

The pub discount information has been notified to Plymouth CAMRA and is given in good faith, but is liable to change at short notice. Some discounts may be modified or restricted when special promotions are on offer.

Pub News

There have been no Cask Marque changes to the official list of pubs by Cask Marque in the Plymouth area this month; due to retirement, the Eighteen87 is having a leaving do for the current tenant at 2.00 pm on Sunday 26th March. The pub will subsequently close if another tenant or manager is not found; the Slug & Lettuce has closed for refurbishment until the end of March; the Warren House Inn, Postbridge, is closed for minor refurbishment until the end of next week (Sunday 12th March); & the White Thorn Inn , Shaugh Prior, now has ACV status. Post meeting note: Noahs Ark, City Centre, has reopened and has joined the CAMRA Discount Scheme, giving a 10% discount on real ale, except Greene King IPA – thank you very much !

Brewery News

Tavy Ales Porter won Bronze in the Porter category at the CAMRA National Winter Ales Festival in February 2017; Penpont Brewery is brewing again, although the beer range is unknown; the SW BLC reported that there are 200 breweries in the South West; 105 BLOs signed off their tasks which left 77 for the SW BLC to deal with, plus 24 breweries with no appointed BLO; & Bob Holmes has volunteered to be the BLO for Bale Ale at Brentor.

Many, many congratulations to Jon and all at Tavy Ales on the achievement of being awarded Bronze Medal (third place) in the National Winter Ales Festival for Tavy Porter in the Porter Category – A truly great achievement!

We would like to wish all new licensees all the very best in their new ventures, and to wish Ray all the very best of luck on his retirement from the Morley Arms.