Quality Hotel Plymouth

Cliff Road
Family FriendlyAccommodationLunchtime MealsEvening MealsParkingSmokingRestaurantFunction RoomNewspapersWiFi
This pub is permanently closed.

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Real ale is not available here. Sadly, the hotel closed suddenly in Jan 2014. It was bought by Plymouth City Council and was then demolished for redevelopment in July 2016.

A new, international standard hotel is earmarked for this site, with development to complete in Autumn 2021, hopefully. Sadly, the site remains vacant April 2024.

Planning application 18/00234/S73, dated 14/02/2018, Section 73 application to modify conditions: 1 (plans), 10 (further details), 11 (materials samples), 35 (deliveries and refuse collection) & 36 (use of loading bays) of planning permission 17/00952/FUL to allow for various amendments to the external design of the scheme, amended hours for deliveries and reconfiguration of the service yard to incorporate staff car parking spaces. Decision granted 30/05/2018.

Planning application 17/00952/FUL, dated 28/04/2017, Demolition of the existing sub-station and erection of two buildings comprising a 80-bed hotel and ancillary facilities (11 storeys) and 88 residential dwellings (15 storeys), access, pedestrian/cycle way, landscaping, car parking and servicing and associated infrastructure works. Decision granted conditionally 15/09/2017