Friendship Inn

1 Amity Place
Real AleQuiet PubGamesSmokingDog FriendlySports TV
This pub is permanently closed.
Regular beers: Courage Best Bitter, St Austell Tribute

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

This is a small street-corner locals' pub dominated by the pool table. Up to two real ales are available in this Asset of Community Value (as listed by Plymouth City Council). The pub dates back to the mid 19th century, but sadly closed on Wednesday 4th June 2014 after the pub owners decided to sell it, despite the efforts of the long-standing licensee of 18 years and the local CAMRA branch. The pub has been converted into residential use.

14/01656/FUL, dated 02 Sep 2014, proposed Conversion of public house to three residential apartments, extension to rear and construction of dormers. This was refused after the successful objection by the local CAMRA branch. Appeal decided and appeal allowed. Planning application therefore granted, despite the pub being an Asset of Community Value.