Pub and Brewery News - April 2023

Monday 3 April 2023

The following pub and brewery news was reported at the April 2023 Committee Meeting held in the Providence Inn, Greenbank.

Pub News

No pub news this month, other than the Seymour Arms, Greenbank has joined the CAMRA Discount Scheme (10%/pint). They may join the LocAle Scheme soon. The Tamar, Crownhill, reaffirmed their membership of the Discount Scheme (10/%/pint).

Beer Scoring

The following analysis covers the period from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023 inclusive. We have received a total of 3 172 (2 898 last month) beer scores for 146 different pubs (142 last month), submitted by 90 members (86 last month) from 39 branches (38 last month), including 26 Plymouth branch members (25 last month). The Plymouth members submitted 2 795 beer scores (2, 554 last month); 64 non branch members (61 last month) submitted 377 (344 last month). These members came from branches including Cornwall, Exeter, South Devon and Somerset, and from further afield including Gloucestershire, Birmingham, Oxford and Bath.

Thank You all very much! Beer Scoring informs the Branch that those named pubs are open and serving cask conditioned Live Beer (real ale), or not, if zero scored. It also helps us to monitor the quality and consistency of the Live Beers (real ales) available, and to help us to keep What Pub as up-to-date as possible.

Cider News

The Real Ale, Cider and Perry Campaigns Committee, of CAMRA, have issued a new list of known real cider and perry producers. The list of Devon, Cornwall and Somerset producers are in the latest edition of Drake’s Drinker. The branch website Devon Cider Producers page has been updated. Rock Hill Cider is listed, but there are no known details for them – the Deputy regional Cider Coordinator is investigating.

Plymouth CAMRA LocAle Scheme

There are currently 70 establishments listed as being accredited to the Plymouth CAMRA LocAle Scheme. These are listed on the branch website. The Seymour Arms may join the scheme soon.

CAMRA Member Discount Scheme and CAMRA Voucher Scheme

There are currently 21 establishments listed as being members of the CAMRA Member Discount Scheme, after the Seymour Arms joined, and a further nine which are part of the CAMRA Voucher Scheme, making 31 in total. Please give these pubs your support if/when you go out! These are listed on the branch website.

Planning Applications

The RAOB Club, North Hill, is still being converted into 82 student bed accommodation. Planning application 22/00701/S73 refers. Planning permission for change of use to dwelling has been applied for the Eagle, Coxside. Planning application Ref. No: 23/00306/FUL refers, dated Thursday 30th March 2023, plus pre-planning application 22/01160/MOR dated Tuesday 5th July 2022.

Cask Marque Accreditation

The West Hoe, Plymouth, and Bedford Hotel, Tavistock, are no longer CM accredited.

Brewery News

CAMRA’s new Brewery Database – Pilgrim went live on Wednesday 29th March. BLOs are to check that the Data Transfer has correctly transferred all data. What Pub updates will be permitted again from Monday 3rd April 2023.

There is nothing newsworthy for any of our breweries this month, as they are getting ready for Maltinsfest 2023!

Beer Festival News

The JDW Spring Ale Festival 2023 took place from opening time on Wednesday 22nd March until Sunday 2nd April at all six JDW establishments in our branch area.

The Walkhampton Inn Easter Ale & Cider Festival 2023 takes place from Thursday 6th until Monday 10th April with 20+ ales and ciders, with burger and pie specials, Hog Roast on Sunday, and entertainment all weekend.

SIBA Matltingsfest 2023 will take place at Osbourne Park, Newton Abbot TQ12 4AA (on the green opposite the former Tucker’s Maltings building) from Thursday 20th to Saturday 22nd April 2023.

The Prince Maurice Ale and Cider Festival 2023 will take place from Friday 5th until Sunday 7th May with lice entertainment and food available all weekend.

Website Hit Counter

The free-to-use Visitor Hit Counter was installed on the branch website Home, Diary, Beer Festival and Drake’s Drinker Pages on Thursday 8th September 2022, with a reading of, erm, zero! We had 345 hits in September, 336 hits in October, 541 hits in November, 389 hits in December, 453 hits in January 2023, 478 in February and 442 in March (total 2984).

Plymouth CAMRA would like to wish all new Publicans and Brewers all the very best in their ventures.